About Core Muscle Roller

So Much More than Just A Push Up

Designed to give you a range of motion to maxmize your workout in the shortest amount of time possible.

My Story

Im a father, husband, former Spec-Ops Medic 3rd of the 160th, paramedic of over 30 years, and inventor. I have an A.S. in Emergency Medical Education with over 20 years of teaching experience. I also have a B.S. in Occupational Safety and Health with extensive training in ergonomics. All of this has gone into the production and development of The Core Roller. Please feel free to leave your contact information in the “Contact Us” tab if you are interested in purchasing/using The Core Roller.

If you have used The Core Roller, please feel free to leave a comment/testimonial.


An Idea is Born

About 20 years ago I had the idea for The Core Roller. Unfortunately, I did not have the financial resources at the time to pursue the idea. About 5 years ago, I had to have surgery on my right shoulder. During the rehab process, I was required to roll a ball on a wall to improve my range of motion. Unfortunately, as I moved my hand the ball would roll out from under it, and I spent half the time chasing it around the room.

Then I remembered the idea of The Core Roller. At that time it was a single unit to be hung from the ceiling with a bungee or some other type of cord. This way the patient would be able to move in a full range of motion without dropping the device.

Once I had made the device made I realized that it had a broader application as a fitness device. The only concern was that it would put an excessive amount of strain on the wrist.

That’s when I designed the proprietary spring that is in the handgrip and goes up the arm. This spring not only removes the stress on the wrist but also assists the user back to the neutral position.

Once I had a functional prototype I started the long and exceedingly expensive process to obtain a patent from the US Patent Office.

It is my hope that through this website and other social media, investors will see that there is a market for this product.


People like a “special” price or exclusive offer directed only to them. Most Industrial and Manufacturing equipment they are special through a great deal of trial and error writing advertisements.

Jacob Kilburn
As a martial arts instructor and a professional fighter as well as someone who just works out to better my health, I can see how the Core Roller would be helpful. I feel it working my stomach, but my shoulders also. The spring assists me so I can work to muscle failure, which is ideal for making gains, regardless of your fitness goals. I’ve used it almost every day preparing for a fight, to make sure my core remains solid, and I can vouch for this device first hand.
Vince Taylor
I had a chance to use the Core Roller, and I would recommend anyone to give it a try. It really engages the shoulders, abdominal muscles, and hips to give a good overall workout. Whether you are trying to get back in shape or if you are a seasoned athlete, the Core Roller should be in your routine.
Karen Alvarez
Good core workout! Thank You.
Bob Kormelink
I want one of these machines as soon as possible!

Core Muscle Roller